Saturday, April 8, 2017


I do not know much about woman psychology so I will write about men the real men but not about the spineless men. 'We' have our own unwritten rules and fixations and we follow it religiously! Take for example. I made very little money by working for my boss. In India, you should never work for one man show. Co’s a Boss can be an asshole, he can talk either side of his mouth whereas you cannot. I could have worked for some other places and make more money but money is not everything to me. I had already decided, in future I will never ever work for anyone. After I sell my fiction for movie production I will start working for me.  We men are NOT perfect but we would like to believe that we are perfect. God had created a woman in his leisure time. I would like to say they are the most beautiful 'creature' on earth.
I use my brain to think and plan. In love and lust, you listen to your heart. In solitude, I ‘chat’ with my brain (mind).when there is an emotional conflict I ‘consult’ with my conscience. On my mind, I fight with ‘demons’ (Bad thoughts).  Have you ever heard your ‘inner voice’? Only twice in my lifetime, I have heard my inner voice.  Failure after failure I had suffered severe depression. It took a heavy toll on my health. At times I think why I was born? Why am I still alive? I do not see any reason for living! On one such occasion, I heard my ‘inner voice’. ‘If only you are alive; you can achieve what you want in your lifetime’. I am not an ambitious person. I have to save some money for my little daughter and for my old age.

Last time I heard my inner voice was more than eight years ago. After returning from work I was sitting on the park bench. My little daughter was playing on a swing. After calculating petrol expense, a number of coffee and cigarettes I found very little money left for home. In about six months time I have to join my daughter to school. Minimum asking ‘donation’ fee is Rs 3000/-! How am I going to pay her donation? I had no idea. I started thinking……” Now itself I am struggling, what will I do when I became old’?  I heard my inner voice saying very clearly “Don’t worry! You will be fine’! Who knows about future? Future is far away.
 Here is one of my quotes ‘Defy conventional logic, you should be able to make it’. Jivan. Our conman had been doing it for the past centuries. They not only defy conventional logic but also use unethical business practice to make money and fame. Being an honest man I have to do it honestly.
 I used to get penis enlargement tablets ads on my spam folder. I got annoyed. 'You stupid bums! Did I asked for it'?   But the ads started working on my mind. 'Not a bad idea; One can be proud of big, strong, fat mischievous 'boy' but there is one problem that I cannot show it to the whole world. Maybe only for those selected audience .LOL 
Motivational speakers always talk about 'others' achievements. You try writing your own inspirational 'story'. You will find that your 'story' will take years to write. Without money and qualification, it took me more than eight years to write ' Success at last’.  I am not writing inspirational article through my blog. I am just writing my struggle to make out my life. I have done more stupid things than you to make out my life. Ultimately I won the battle called life. 
 Life had proved me and I had experienced that there are certain things which are beyond our control like your God, Time and fate. But I refused to believe in them because I am an atheist.  Believe me none of those things could have solved any of my problems.  In life when shit after shit happens we are forced to believe in irrational things. It is not that one fine morning I am going to temple and ask God why shit is happening to me? Maybe I want to consult with an astrologer he is the one who knows my past and future. He can tell me WTF is Uranus doing with my life? If you are an Antiquarian you know Uranus it the most unpredictable planet and can create havoc in your life. Check whether you life had gone through the roof or you had fallen into a bottomless pit. You can also check with a witch doctor to find out whether any of your enemies had played black magic on you or you can simply blame the whole world for your failures. But you will be unable to find the reason for your failures. You became restless, frustration and pent-up feeling start taking the toll on your health. Without finding a reason for your failures how can you stop failures or even succeed in your endeavours? The answer is to think rationally. Every failure in life is an experience to learn the lesson.
One guy after doing a bit of ‘research’ wrote ‘ if your article takes more than nine minutes to read then no one is going to read……’ my article ‘thinking wild’ is twenty A-4 pages long! Two A-4 pages make one chapter so it is ten chapters long! When someone writes new ‘theory’ prove him that he is wrong. There is fun in it. People are yet to read something like ‘Thinking wild ‘. I hope it will top my chart on Blog-spot. I had proved him wrong. If you write 'unconventional ' article and if it takes more than nine minutes people will read it. 'My first night ' got more than 40,000 hits still counting! A number of hits on your blog can only help boost my fragile ego. One guy got more than one hundred million hits on his blog. Nobody is going to beat him.
Moot point. Why we Indians look either side of the road before crossing it if 'our' lives were 'Pre-programmed 'by god”? 
 Co’s you do not have faith in your god. Faith is blind.
You chicks are impossible. Once you all wanted macho man. Later you all insisted for the metro sexual man now you all want a doormat but not a soul. I will blame it on feminism and woman empowerment.
"Life has given me NOTHING but experiences". I am yet to learn lessons from my experiences with my life. Dumb, Stupid, Idiot! I am not the only dumb, stupid and Idiot. In the west people often fall in love before they tie the knot. Even after finding a  soul mate with physical and emotional compatibility some of them part ways!  In my case I still believe there are honest people but I am yet to meet them. My only regret is that I met too many BLACK HOLES (suckers) in my life time. 
If I think anyone out there in this world it is my little daughter. She is safe with her mother. Every day before I go to bed I think of my daughter. When Sony was toddler her mother used to call her ‘Thanga kudam’(Golden pot)She run into her arms and hugs her. When she ask Sony where is my thanga kudam? Sony gently pats over her chest and say ‘Idhoo… (Here) Idhoo… (Here). That was so cute but now it all seems like a dream.
When I build my own life size statue I will make sure that it is one of a kind statue in the whole universe. In my right hand you will find my bible. My book 'universal love' the new religion held close to my chest. my left arm is raised straight up  only my left middle finger is pointed towards heaven rest of the fingers are closed. My left middle finger is NOT for you but for God. 
Showing middle finger at someone is western culture. It does not mean anything to us. We only know it is a bad sign language.  We won't put finger into our own anus, forget about putting our middle finger into your BLACK HOLE but if you show your middle finger at us then we will show our middle finger at you. Don't feel bad about it. O.K? Showing middle finger at someone is not the civilized way to communicate with sign language.  We all are human being; fair complexion does not make any one superior.