Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Selling Trash!

Selling Trash!

Jivan, you write Trash! My best friend wrote these infamous words to me. We had lots of fun sending privet message….

Even as a young teenager I had proved, my father was wrong on certain issues. Sorry,now I cannot remember what the issues were. Purpose of my life on this planet is to prove that people who were born with pre-conceived notion are all wrong. (You all know that I am an alien, not the green little monster) The difference between me and the rest of the world is my own way of thinking and reasoning). One fine example is my book about new religion UNIVERSAL LOVE .The New Religion. Remember how convincingly (reasoning) I took off the pants of theists (put them in shame)?

I wanted to prove her that she was wrong. Some other day when i became notoriously famous I will prove that even trash can be sold in the market. I will publish all my articles (which I wrote it in my blog) at my
expense. I will employ ghost (writer) to polish and edit all my articles. I will design cover page. It looks simple but it will have my signature style.

I had worked as sales cum service tech, also in customer care and hospitality dept. I had always given value added service to all my customer. When you buy my ‘scribbling pad’, you will get ‘Universal Love’ free!

She vanished from my radar. She is no longer with us on blog. I searched her on facebook. No trace of her. Even google could not find her out that prove Google is not almighty.

I miss her very much. Obsessed? A big NO! She was great flirt. She was not a dumb headed woman. She took class for MBA kids in states. In the found memories of her, I wrote ‘Kathy I miss you….’ Pure pron, not hard-core. Too bad my fiction turned out to be a pornographic literature! One day I wish to direct ‘Kathy I miss you…’ DVD movie.
I prefer Sunny Leona to act her role. Sunny Leona was penthouse year of the girl. She can even fake orgasm! Cho…Cheweeeeeet of her.

I really do not know what will be my next article. I do not plan, I do not think unless I feel like writing. My ‘empty ‘brain is always churning out some thing but most of the time I just ignore it. I do not want to become a trash writer. There are people who write trivial article in newspaper / magazine and get paid for it!

I am not able to write what I always wanted to write. There is an appropriate time to write certain ‘issues’. If I write it now it just does not make sense.

N.B .Starting sentence is a blatant lie. It is to give dramatic effect for the title! She is the only woman who ever told ‘jivan, you have got telent! I was wondering what the heck is called telent? She is also the same woman who send me privet message. ‘BEHAVE!’ those six little letters caught my fancy. In one breath, I wrote down my first shot story. ‘Kathy I miss you…’ it is just three and half A-4 pages long. WARNIG! Not suitable for immature kids.

When it comes to friendship, I am little bit naughty. I really do not know my limit. Will I ever grow-up?