Monday, April 4, 2011

Democracy and Middle East

Democracy and Middle East
One of the main reasons for moderate Islamist to migrate to Europe or US is to avoid persecution from their own community. I fail to understand why a person in the Middle East does not favor 'moderate' democratic values. When I say democracy, I do not mean American way of life. Even I do not like it. Too much freedom can spell disasters for any country also in personnel and public life. In Middle East, best-suited democracy is moderate democracy where democracy and traditional values can co exist Like in turkey, Lebanon and Egypt. In any country average population age falls between 18 to 45years of age, I wonder why people in that age fail to elect candidate (president / Prime Minister) who is a moderate, in favor of democratic values .even reformist fail to get elected. He will be able to bring about changes in their society .in my opinion every freedom loving people in the Middle East especially women should vote for such candidates. They are the more suppressed than their men. Here I wish to point out one example .I believe Iran's late prime minister Mr.Kathami was an average (moderate) as per Iranian standard .he was able to bring moderate reforms. But this time freedom-loving people of Iran chose to ignore him. Why? Don't they want more reforms and freedom for woman?

Why people in Iran choose to elect new prime mister whose thoughts are more radical in nature. Won't this bring more suffering to moderate and freedom loving people of Iran? He will also curtail progress and civilian liberties. I would say freedom lovers of Iranians and Americans fail to seize the opportunity. American should have supported Mr.Kathami to help bring more reforms and democratic values in Iran. Repeatedly, it had proven that Americans cannot impose democratic values in (Middle East, Afghanistan, Iraq, Africa, (Sudan, Libya, Somalia) through the barrel of gun. Afghanistan is such one example .Question is how long democracy is going to last in Afghanistan? In Africa where UN read US, sponsored countries are not doing well.

West is looking towards East. West had every thing but they could not find happiness in material gain. They are turning towards East for spirituality. We in east had enough sprit (country liquor) and spirituality .we in east always looks for west .we always long for material (gain) happiness. More material gain means more happiness! It is in our gene. Can’t help it, we are programmed like that. African and Middle East people want to migrate (escape) to Europe or U.S to enjoy freedom and persecution from their own religious fundamentalist. In Middle East and other Muslim countries there is a subtle war taking place between moderate and religious fundamentalist read fanatics. For an outsider it may not be visible .in Europe more and more people are embracing Islam as their religion. It is predicted that in a decade form now Muslim population will double in Europe. I wonder how rigid and suppressive their region is for woman. They claim gender equality was written in Holly Koran but it is not practiced in their real life. I had mentioned only few paragraphs to explain that people are not happy with their own god, religion and culture .no religion is perfect for the present and future. This is where we are in need of a new religion .A common religion acceptable for all. A religion, which can be up dated! That is the reason I wrote UNIVERSAL LOVE the new religion. Read my concept for new religion at the end of his chapter.