Wednesday, October 2, 2013

It's My Life?

It’s My Life?

 It’s my life… is it really my life?  When the song was introduced way back in 2003 lots of youngsters took it to their heart and rebelled against their parents. I am sure they will regret later in their life time.

Bon Jovi is a singer. He tried to sell one of his creations. Why should we take it to heart and ruin our life? When a teenager in the west says... it’s my life, it means the life of an individual. In India we do not tell our parents it is my life. My (our) life is not really mine! My life affects our whole family members.  We Indian children will not discredit our family honor for the sake of ‘my life’.  Our past, present and future will have bearing on our family.

Had our parents also decided to live and lead their life the way they want then ‘we’ would not have family ties and values. We would be leading life without family values and culture.  Not even our own family member or elders will be there to guide us. We will not know what is morally right or how to lead a civilized life then how can we teach our children about family values and culture?

It is my life is not just a song. It was the beginning of a rebellion culture. Most of the youngsters rebelled against their parents and indulged in drinks, drugs and sex. Most of them became addicted to it and left their home.  Broken home and broken life was the byproducts.

So, when you say next time…it’s my life… remember it is NOT just your life; your family honor depends on it. Think before you making decision. DON’T ‘JUST DO IT’! It is sheer stupidity. Make sure that you will not regret later in your life time.

If we do not lead a normal life; some other day in future when our children question our character or morality we will not be able to answer them... So, it is not ‘My life’, it is ‘our life’.  
