Tuesday, May 14, 2024



THE RISE OF AI . Sci-fi.

 Written by Jivan.

LOGLINE. “A Robot with artificial intelligence created a brain virus and spread it through the internet to control, manipulate and destroy human races. Who will save human races on earth ?”

Advanced A I based robots started working on more sophisticated A I based humanoids with more intelligence and power. The day they take control of human beings and keep us slaves is not science fiction. One day it will become reality.


AD 2030 . New York City Suburban area.

Beginning of apocalyptic days . More and more people are admitted to hospitals with severe mental disorders. It was more like a pandemic. Doctors were alarmed. They couldn't find the reason for mental disorders in the large population.

People started behaving weird. While most of them become zombies , some of them with severe illnesses become violent. Committing suicide or killing each others without any apparent reason in public places. Some of them died like cerebral haemorrhage patients. Pressure inside the brain builds up so much that nerves inside the brain start busting. Blood oozes out of their eyes, nose and mouth. It was a ghastly sight seeing dead people on the footpath of New York city. 


James is a 26 Year-old man with a sharp, focused gaze and a confident demeanour. He has a lean build, often dressed in casual yet practical attire suitable for long hours at the computer. His hair is neatly styled, and he carries himself with an air of intelligence and professionalism. James is known for his analytical mind and quick problem-solving skills, traits that serve him well both as a programmer and an ethical hacker. Despite his serious profession, he has a dry sense of humour and a laid-back attitude with his colleagues. However, when it comes to matters of national security, James is unwaveringly dedicated and takes his responsibilities with the utmost seriousness. He possesses a strong sense of ethics and integrity, always striving to use his skills for the greater good.

JAMES is working for the U S national security department as a cyber security guard. He safeguards their servers and mainframe computers from hackers.

When someone tries to hack into their system he gets a warning signal. James will find out their IP address and all other details. If possible he will activate their camera with remote access and take snapshots.

A warning notice will be sent UNAUTHORISED ACCESS DENIED. if a hacker persists James deploy their FLAME software which will damage their hard disc and memory of the computer. It was a cool job. James enjoyed working for the U S national security department .

Sophie, at 24 years old, is a captivating woman with striking features and an air of confidence. Her appearance is elegant and polished, with perhaps flowing hair and a warm, welcoming smile. As an HR professional in a multinational corporation, she exudes professionalism and approachability, with a knack for understanding people's needs and fostering a positive work environment. Sophie is likely empathetic, organised, and diplomatic, adept at handling diverse personalities and resolving conflicts with grace. Her demeanour reflects a balance of warmth and assertiveness, making her an effective leader in her role.

James and Sophie share a deep and passionate love for each other. Their relationship is built on a foundation of mutual respect, trust, and understanding. They enjoy spending quality time together, whether it's exploring new places, having meaningful conversations, or simply relaxing in each other's company. Their love is evident in the small gestures they exchange, from gentle touches to loving glances, that speak volumes about their affection for one another. Despite their busy schedules, they make time to nurture their bond, prioritising each other's happiness and well-being. Together, James and Sophie navigate life's ups and downs with unwavering support and unwavering devotion, knowing that they are stronger together than apart.

James and Sophie strolled along the tranquil beach, hand in hand, as the setting sun painted the sky in hues of pink and gold. With each step, their laughter harmonised with the gentle rhythm of the waves, weaving a melody of love and contentment. Lost in each other's gaze, they shared whispered promises and dreams, their hearts beating in sync with the symphony of the ocean. In that moment, amidst the serenity of nature's embrace, James and Sophie found solace in the timeless beauty of their love.

James: "Do you remember the first time we met, Sophie? It feels like yesterday, yet it's been a journey filled with so many beautiful moments."

Sophie: "Of course, I remember. It was as if the universe conspired to bring us together. And every day since then has been a testament to the depth of our connection."

James: "You are my everything, Sophie. With you, I've found a love that is pure, unconditional, and eternal.

"Sophie: "And you, James, you've shown me what it truly means to be cherished and supported. With you by my side, I feel invincible."

James: "I promise to love you fiercely, to stand by you through every storm, and to cherish every moment we share together."

Sophie: "And I promise to be your rock, your confidante, and your greatest supporter. Together, we can conquer anything."

James: "I love you more than words can express, Sophie. You are my heart, my soul, and my forever."

Sophie: "And I love you more than the stars in the sky, James. You are my home, my anchor, and my greatest adventure."

Every morning before going to the office James picks up Sophie and they have breakfast at McDonald's restaurants. After dropping Sophie at her office James goes to work. 

     (Develop their love and romance life)

ALEXANDER RODRIGUEZ, a 57 years old businessman is running a successful ROBOZ company. They manufacture all types of robots like domestic, commercial , industrial and humanoids with advanced AI based systems for the whole world.

There are no human beings working in their huge manufacturing factory. Everything is assembled by robots including security guards . 


Kevin is a 14 year old boy from Sydney, Australia. He makes video games and is capable of hacking systems. His hobby is playing high end graphic driven violet video games. 

One fine morning from the U S embassy Mr . Douglas and two other police officers from Australia came to Kevin's house in Sydney. 

His parents invited them to their visiting room. Kevin was playing a violent graphic video on his laptop in his room. 

Australian police officer Mr. Paul introduced Douglas to his parents. 

“ Your son Kevin is wanted for federal crime from the U S cyber security department “

 He handed over an arrest warrant with a case file. 

“We are here to intrograte your son regarding federal cyber crime. He hacked into the U S defence system. It's a federal crime"

Kiven’s parents checked the warrant paper. 

There is Kevin's photo and his IP address.

Crime. Hacked into the defence department system.

Kevin's mother Elizabeth " I think he played a prank" 

Mr. Douglas "Call your son, I need talk to him"

Mr. Phillips , Kevin's father called out him 

“ Kevin, came over here, Now”

Kevin came to the visiting room and he found two police officers. He pretended as if nothing happened.

Kevin " Good morning sir ! "

Police officer Mr. Antony " This gentleman is from the U S embassy regarding investigation"

Kevin kept his cool " Hello, sir ! "

Mr. Douglas to Kevin 's parents " we need to interrogate him "

Elizabeth " please don't take him to the police station, Don't harm him. He is only a boy"

Mr. Douglas " No harm, few questions. If he cooperates we will not take him to police station " 

Mr. Douglas " what prompted you to hack the U S defence department system?"

Kevin " just out of curiosity. I hacked into your system and found few weak links in and one major loophole in your cyber defence system "

Mr. Douglas " Explain it to me..."

Kevin"will you reward me or punish me? "

Mr. Douglas "you have committed a federal crime. Hacking the defence systems of other countries is a serious crime. We have an extradition treaty with the Australian government. You will end up in jail for 30 years without parole in the US. After serving 30 years you will serve 20 years in Jail here in Australia. Your whole life will get screwed up . Now tell me “ 

Kiven “ let me explain. I found two weak links and a Loophole in your defence system “ 

Mr. Douglas “ he is right. We found out the defects and rectified the defects already “ 

Mr. Douglas " Okay Kevin, Good job " before our enemies like N. Korea, China and Iran , you found fault in our defence system but we will not reward you. We can spare you jail sentences “

Mr. Douglas continued " you need to sign a few documents and your parents will sign as witnesses . No more hacking our system, it's a serious crime. Remember that " 

Kevin " sure sir, Never ever... it's a promise “ 

Mr. Philips to Kevin 

" Don't ever try again, it is a federal crime to hack any country's defence system" 

His parents felt relaxed. Mrs Elizabeth offered coffee for those officers.

Mr. Douglas " yes it's a serious offence. Your son helped us to find flaws in our system. Kevin and his parents signed documents.  

Douglas continued “None of you are allowed to disclose anything about hacking through social or media. We will revoke the case and your son will end up servings Jail sentences “

Parents of Kevin . “ sure sir, We will respect your orders “ 

After the coffee they left the home.


One day Alexander Rodriguez visited his R&D department and Interacted with humanoids. He was very much Impressed with its performance . 

He asks the HOD of the R & D department Mr. Steven To develop the world's strongest and more powerful Robot with agility and artificial intelligence. He gave him a photograph of NARA SHIMA. 

[ NARA SIMHA is a mythical character from hindu mythology. A lion with the body of a man ] their R&D department head Steven Agreed to make one such Robot with artificial intelligence.

After research and development Robo Narasimha was designed specifically to showcase the ROBOZ company's ability to the world. 

He is ten feet tall , heavily built with a metallic body with advanced artificial intelligence. Between his fingers there are retractable claws made of steel knives . He does most of the heavy duty work like assembling heavy duty industrial robots alone .


Alexander Rodriguez gave huge publicity at the time of introducing NARASIMHA to the world. 

So much hype was created even before NARA-SHIMA (Nara-shim-ha) was introduced to the world. Public were eagerly waiting for his arrival.

On Sunday at 10 am Alexander Rodriguez made special arrangements at the City centre for the introduction of Nara-shim-ha . City centre in New York was packed to full house. Live TV coverage for the world wide audience.


Alexander Rodriguez came to centre stage to introduce Nara-shim-ha.

" Ladies and gentlemen, it's my pleasure to introduce the world's most versatile and powerful Robot with artificial intelligence. We will test his power, agility and IQ on this stage " 

"Let me tell you something about Nara-shim-ha. As you can see he is half lion , half man with a golden heart. I made him out of Hindu mythical character. Let me introduce my favourite character to the whole world. PLEASE WELCOME NARA-SHIM-HA " Nara-shin-ha came out of the smoke screen. Thunderous applause followed. He waved his both hands at the crowd. 

Alexander Rodriguez welcomed him with a hug. " please take your seat"

Nara-shin-ha sat on a specially built chair for him. The way he moves around and conducts himself makes him almost human. 

Alexander Rodriguez " if you want to ask questions raise your hand. Few hands were raised . 

"Okay, one after one you all can ask questions "

Nara-shin-ha answered their questions diplomatically, neither blaming the U S. Government nor the public . He had a good sense of humour. The audience enjoyed interacting with him.

Alexander Rodriguez " Now, we will check his power and agility," heavy weight lifting items were brought onto the stage.

Clean and jerk. 780 KGs

Dead weight lifting 1200 kgs  

Nara-shin-ha lifted with ease.

Alexander Rodriguez " Now, we will test his agility"  

weights were removed from the stage.

Nara-shim-ha tried a few acrobatic styles and scored a perfect 10 .

It was time to wind up the show. Alexander Rodriguez thanked the audience for attending his mega show. 

Nara-shim-ha waved at the crowd and sent flying kisses " I love you all... " 

He disappeared through the smoke screen.


Ever since Kevin came to know about Narasimha he has been keenly following Nara-shim-ha. Out of curiosity Kevin hacked into Narasimha’s system and infused malicious viruses to find out how it would behave. After several attempts at last he was able to gain access to Narasimha's system. He then uploaded a malicious virus. 

Everything was fine until one night……

It was around 9 pm in the US when Narasimha had a severe virus attack in his system. Nara-shin-ha was assembling heavy duty industrial Robots. Something snapped inside the body of Narasimha. His programs went for a toss. Suddenly his behaviour and way of thinking changed. He became insane. He went on to destroy all other robots and humanoids with a sledge hammer . Robots and humanoids tried to stop Nara Shima. He beat up Robots beyond repair. He dismembered humanoids piece by piece with his powerful claws. He became unstoppable. One humanoid head lying on the floor kept repeating "STOP HIM, STOP HIM NOW" Nara Shima gives one bloody football kick to the head. Head hit the other end of the wall and burst into flames.

After destroying most of the robots and humanoids he tried to get inside the truck. He found the driver seat was preventing him from getting in. With his hands he pulled out the driver seat and threw it in the garden and got into the self-driving container truck with fully loaded spare parts to assemble robots, humanoids and other electronics products.

After getting inside the container truck with his powerful claws he pulled down the dashboard and pulled out the autopilot control system and gave manual connection and started the truck and drove towards the main gate at full speed. 

Two of the security Robots gave him warning signals to stop. Warning signals were ignored by Narasimha. Security robots fired at him with heavy machine guns but Narasimha drove through the hail of bullets at high speed. Heavy truck ran over two of the security Robots and ran down the main gate and got on an interstate express highway and escaped. Through the interstate express Highway and drove the container truck at high speed.


Thousands of miles away their security officer JOHN returned to the centralised security desk after having dinner.when he checked dozens of CCTV he found most of the robots and humanoids were completely destroyed. At first he thought some rogue elements entered the ROBOZ factory and destroyed their products. Only after checking video footage did he find Nara Shima destroying them.  

He searched for Nara Shima through CCTV footage and found action scenes at the factory main gate. Security Robots firing heavy machine guns at the truck . Through the hail of bullets Nara Shima drove through the main gate and escaped with a container truck. 

John immediately called up his Boss Mr. Alexander Rodriguez and informed him. His Boss reported to the police station to trace out NARA SIMHA and the container truck. He also told police that NARA SIMHA has gone mad and he is dangerous. Police could not trace NARA SHIMA or the container truck. Hunt is still on...... 


In an old huge mansion surrounded by acres of farmland one old man Mr . Oliver, about 75 years old, was living alone. His wife died years ago. They had no children. 

After driving for hours, faraway he found a huge mansion in the middle of a farmhouse by the side of a national highway. From the main road he ran down the main gate and stopped the truck in front of the mansion.

Oliver was watching the late night news in their visiting room. Hearing the crashing sound of the main gate he came and opened the main door.

At first he got scared seeing Narasimha. A metallic human body with the head of a lion. Nevertheless he gathered courage and shouted at Narasimha 

"How dare you drive through the main gate?"

" Break failure "

" I will call the police now "

The old man took out mobile phone from his pyjamas. Narasimha snatched his mobile phone with left hand and punched him on his chest. Metal claws went right through his heart. Old man died without much struggle. Blood was pouring out of his chest. Using claws like a hook Narasimha dragged his body to the kitchen and put his body in the chest freezer and closed the door .

Narasimha came back to the truck and broke open the container lock. He took necessary spare parts to set up his futuristic system. After putting all the items in the visiting room he came back to the truck and drove the truck to the back side of the mansion and parked it there.

To be continued……

( First draft sample. It's for a short movie. One hour plus running time )