Now listen to Srinivasan shit logic in his argument. “You go to the shop and ask for RS 10 toothpaste for RS 9. He will not give you but if you ask for dozen toothpaste, he will give you RS 9. Does it make any sense to you?
It is still 10X12=120 INR. Ten percent is the profit that's one rupee per toothpaste. None of the retail shops will give you toothpaste for Rs 9. For every RS 10 shop owner get one rupee profit. Forget about getting RS 10 toothpaste for 9 rupees. What shit logic srinivasan is trying to preach?
You want a discount? Go to a wholesale shop. Ask for one toothpaste, he will tell you no sales. Tell him that you will buy 100 toothpaste and ask for a discount. He will offer you for RS 9 per piece. Tell him that you don't want 100 pieces. You will buy 1000 pieces on cash down. What best price he can offer. He will offer per piece for less than RS 9. He is not doing charity business. He is still making profit. Less profit but able to sell bulk quantities. Leading online shops are selling products on predatory pricing. Are theyDoing business or charity? Now you understand srinivasan got his brain up in his ass.When someone tells you something, think whether he makes sense to you if not ask questions. This shit logic he told to guests 1000 times in 15 years still he cannot get next day rent. What was the necessary to prove that he is a smart ass hole?
How to abuse me more? Sometimes to prove his point he uses stupid logic which is no way connected to his argument. If I ask questions he will get angry. By asking questions I am able to understand more. It's in my nature. He will call up room boys and tell his stupid logic. They shake their heads like buffalos. Yes sir... Yes sir... Is Srinivasan telling me about astrophysics or nuclear science which I cannot understand? He is only trying to prove that he is worldly wise and intelligent. In reality he is making a fool of an ass.
He thinks he is a smart ass hole and I am a fool. In this digital world nobody is a fool, everyone knows a little bit of everything. Some bloody fool said that a little bit of knowledge is dangerous! I am using my little bit of knowledge to my advantage. My little bit of knowledge is more than enough to legally sodomise srinivasan.
Before I joined here for work another manager was working for him. Manager only worked for two years but he had milked more than RS 3, 00,000. He made extra money by manipulating rates/ bills. Different tariff for different guests. One of the Bills he wrote for government officials. They cross checked and found that the bill amount was manipulated. And government officials fined Srinivasan and he paid the fine at the court. Now tell me WTF Srinivasan was doing for two years when the manager was busy milking money?
GST was introduced in India more than five years ago. Srinivasan is yet to be registered for the GST number. He is cheating the government and making illegal money by not paying taxes. Billing is done without a GST registration number. He mostly avoids giving bills. Guests were asked to claim rent on advance receipt. Which accountant gives you rent allowance on advance receipt? Proper bill with date and number of days stay with GST registration number to claim room rent.
There was a caretaker called John for Gopal Nivas lodge. He worked for more 50 years without a salary. Just food and accommodation. Srinivasan used to tell every guest at 14 " mere baba margaya..." (My father died) John is like my Godfather. At 84 he fell ill due to old age. First he lost memory. Later he developed breathing problems. In a few days he went into a coma. Srinivasan admitted him to a nearby hospital. Already spent RS 65,000/. He told the doctor to terminate his life by switching off the ventilator. Doctor refused and asked him to take John back to the lodge. John struggled for breath for three months. He made noise while inhaling and exhaling. It was scary. Who knows when it will stop?
Srinivasan never visited him in his room till his death. He sits in an adjacent room and reads the newspaper, watches political debates, state / national or cricket. After three months struggling for breath one night he died. Srinivasan never visited his burial ground. What a character. That old man saved money for him. Taught him how to do real estate business
Do you need a brain to run a lodge? NO. You only need five corporation certificates
1) Paid property taxes bills, electricity and water tax bills
2) Building stability certificateNobody from the government department ever came and checked the building. He pays money and gets a building stability certificate from his friend. Gopal Nivas lodge is a 55 years old building. Cracks developed all over the building. Water proofing on the terrace is gone. If it is raining outside it will rain inside the guest rooms also. In some rooms water sweeps. Last painting was done more than 8 years ago. You can imagine peeled off paintings even in guest rooms.
3) Sanitary inspection certificateNo sanitary officials ever came and checked sump or overhead tanks for water quality. Water sump was cleaned more than 6 years ago. Overhead tank more than 4 years ago. None of the sanitary officers came and checked the drinking water quality. Dead crow in overhead tank, decomposed lizards, algaes, full of dust particles in drinking water. Guests use it for bathing and drinking. Rat infested kitchen.
4) Fire safety certificateNot even a single fire extinguisher in the lodge. None of the fire department officials came and checked yet. He gets a fire safety certificate by paying extra cash for government officials.
5) Pesticides work and fumigationThere is no pesticide work in rooms
Ask Srinivasan how fumigation is done in guest rooms?
Room boys will not remove garbage baskets from the room unless guests complain about rotten Leftover food and perishable items that make the room stinking. You will find ants, cockroaches, mosquitoes and lizards in guest rooms.
6) Trash segregation
from the below BOX