Sunday, March 12, 2023

How to write screenplay or execute scenes?

How to write screenplay or execute scenes? 


Tags. Writer, novels, screenplays, producers.

My novella War on Terror is being written by a Hollywood screenplay writer. My screenplay writer will find it difficult to write two of those scenes in screenplay mode. So I explained to him how those scenes will appear on screen. But I will not get a chance to work as creative director.

Scene One

This is how it will appear in my short novel. 

After a few months, threat perception on the mainland was lowered. On surface things appeared normal But Osama bin Laden hand picked religious extremists and sent them to the U S for training to carry out his diabolic plans .


Like any other normal day, people of New York went about their daily life.  

                   Then 9/11 happened. 

9/11 HISTORY ( courtesy Wikimedia)

Early on the morning of September 11, 2001, 19 hijackers took control of four commercial airliners (two Boeing 757s and two Boeing 767s) en route to California .....


Scene Two

.....Then came clerics after clerics giving brainstorming speeches. Some of the “discipline'' became hysterical! After that people from different parts of the world spoke about their experience with American military dictatorships from Somalia; Afghanistan; Iraq, people from Libyans spoke about experience with French colonies. 

People were given free chances to express their feelings against the U.S and the West. Now is the time for Mr .Mohamad to deliver his speech. A speech he knows by heart! He seized the opportunity. His radical way of thoughts put by words went down well with his superior. His superiors concluded. Here is a man ahead of our time visualising destruction of the west! 


I can Google for radical speech by religious extremists . Copy , paste but I am not here to promote  religious extremism or terrorist ideology .

Other than Osama bin Laden's voice (fake) in the story he will not be shown. Movie version of my story should not be used to promote religious extremism or for propaganda purposes

Story is about the "war on terror" ideology and victory against terrorism from across the world by the U S government and Anti terrorist squad . 

Before reading any further STOP and THINK how you will adapt those scenes for screenplay or execute those scenes. 

Given a chance to work as creative director this is how I will execute those scenes.

Scene One.

If you picturised all those four terrorist attacks ( 9/11) it will cost millions of USD for the producer . Communication with writer can save money and time but these facts producers will conveniently forget. 

If you picturised four of the terrorist attacks not only costs money but also those scenes will traumatise families lost their loved ones. Those who perished in the tragedy should not be used for making money for producers.

This is how you can shoot those scenes.

Breaking news of 9/11 by CNN, BBC etc footage can be shown in different parts of the world. New York, London, India Japan etc

Here we use an old method. Aerial photo of those cities.

1) Breaking news by CNN. New York. 

First plane flew into north tower of WTC at 8.46 am 

Breaking news by BBC 

2) second plane flew into South tower of WTC at 9.03 am 

Ethics families watching breaking news and their reactions. No need to shoot in different countries . All those ethnic families are available in the U S .

Second scene.

I am an atheist. I / we won't approve of killing innocent people in the name of God, religion, caste, creed or races. Through my novella I am not promoting terrorists' agenda. 

As a story writer it is easy for me to write but difficult to adapt it for a screenplay by a screenplay writer.  

 This is how I have solved the problem for the screenplay. 


( .....Then came clerics after clerics giving brainstorming speeches. Some of the “discipline'' became hysterical! After that people from different parts of the world spoke about their experience with American military dictatorships from Somalia; Afghanistan; Iraq, people from Libyans spoke about experience with French colonies. 

People were given free chances to express their feelings against the U.S and the West. Now is the time for Mr .Mohamad to deliver his speech. A speech he knows by heart! He seized the opportunity. His radical way of thoughts put by words went down well with his superior. His superiors concluded. Here is a man ahead of our time visualising destruction of the west! 

A small note to the director " Radical speech muted to avoid footage being used by radical Islamists for propaganda purposes. Only facial expressions, body language and suggestion shots on senior head of terrorist camp and their approval are used to convey ferry speech by mohammad (mole) 

Hope this will solve the problem . 

Only after sending the manuscript did I realised problem of adapting two of those scenes. We communicate over WhatsApp and I am there to guide him. Now how he writes those scenes in the screenplay is his problem.

I am not a story writer . I am a creative writer. I can help save money for my producer by modifying the story as per their budget.

You know, I sleep over my real life problems but I spent time visualising how to picturise my novel including opening shots . 

I know it is very unlikely for me to get a chance to work as creative director but it's my way of doing homework. Preparing for a future director ! 

I have seen the movie versions of all my novels. So far I have not scribbled down. I have been carrying it in my cerebral cortex for the past sixteen long years! Now don't ask me what I had for dinner last night. 🤣

I thought today is Sunday and you all need something to munch.

Author of war on terror. 
